
Three Signs To Look For In Security Camera


Closed-circuit television


When it comes to safeguarding your business, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras can be a great help to deter vandalism and theft and aiding in the capture of criminals who steal your assets or ruin your property. This is applicable to a range of types of businesses including retail shops, office buildings, as well as multi-family residential structures like apartment buildings.

There are so many options but it's difficult to pick the best one to meet your requirements. It is recommended to let an an expert help you find the equipment that meets your requirements Here are three essential features you should look for when purchasing CCTV cameras.

High Resolution

High resolution is an important characteristic security camera. The resolution of your camera can determine the difference between blurry, blurry footage that obscures important events or clear, high-quality pictures that enable you to identify people in the scene. It's best to choose cameras with the most high-quality resolution that you can afford.

But, based on whether you are purchasing analog or digital equipment, the resolution that you must aim for is different. Analog cameras transmit their signals to DVR, which then converts them to digital pictures. The resolution range for an analog camera is between the 450TVL (TV lines) to 700TVL (or up to 960H by 480W pixels).

When purchasing this camera, it is important to consider the resolution that is available on your DVR. Your DVR is able to only record images with the highest resolution. Your 700TVL camera could be high-resolution, however your DVR will only be able to capture at 500TVL. To ensure the best quality picture, make sure your DVR has high-resolution.

Digital cameras on the other side, however, generate images in the camera and then transfer the image to the device recording it. Technically, digital cameras don't have an upper limit on their resolution. It is necessary to match the recording media's storage space with the resolution.


Day and Night Recording

Cameras that record images in dim light conditions are essential when you intend to record on a 24-hour basis. They usually have infrared or night vision that provide the camera with the required contrast to take clear photos in dark locations.

Two options are available to consider buying security camera, in this category. One is a typical-sized daytime camera that has a night setting. This allows it to record at night in low-light settings and switch between black and white. They can be used where there is still a little light such as nightlights or the moon.

For areas that will be in complete darkness, it's best to go with a camera that features infrared lighting. This light is typically installed inside the camera, and it provides enough ambient illumination for the camera to pick up pictures.

Remote Access

Another feature that you must look for in your camera is the ability to remotely access your camera. This means that you will be able to control the camera remotely using an app for your tablet or smartphone. There are however cameras that let you access the live feed of the camera on the internet via a specific website.

Regardless of how you connect to your security camera, having control of them remotely allows you to easily check in on your business whenever you want without placing yourself in danger's way. It's especially helpful when traveling or you want to make sure employees aren't slacking off when you leave the premises. 

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